
Me My name is Sergey Khenkin.

I was born on December 6, 1980 in a nice Ukrainian city with a cumbersome name Dnepropetrovsk.

Dnepropetrovsk I studied at the Dnepropetrovsk Lyceum of Information Technologies from 1995 to 1998.

In 1997 I won a bronze medal at the International Olympiad in Informatics in Cape Town, RSA.

IOI'97 I did my undergraduate studies in Applied Math at Dnepropetrovsk National University. I received bachelor’s degree with honors in 2002 and master's degree with honors in 2003.

SWRUS In 2001-2002 I developed several consumer software products and distributed them via internet.

Intel In summer 2003 I did an internship at Intel R&D center in Russia where I developed software for VLSI logic synthesis.

Unwiredtec, Inc. In 2003 I also became the first employee at Unwiredtec, Inc., an early stage startup in mobile software field. I had an opportunity to work in different roles: software development and testing, customer support, teaching and mentoring programmers, team management, hiring, business development. It was extremely interesting period of about 5.5 years (including the years after acquisition by Mobile Messenger Pty Ltd).

Tel Aviv I spent 5 great years between 2009 and 2014 in sunny Tel Aviv, Israel. It's a wonderful and warm place.

Google I'm a Googler since August 2011. Russian-speaking students may be interested in my blog where I publish interesting information about learning and career opportunities.

Pinguin Tornado 2 I like hiking, cycling, driving around, visiting foreign countries, learning their languages, cultures and customs, being involved in high-tech business. I love solving challenging problems.

Golden Gate I am married, have two little sons and a daughter. I live and work in Mountain View, California. If you happen to visit and want to meet, feel free to drop me a line.

Contacts The easiest ways to contact me are:

  • e-mail: skhenkin@gmail.com
  • skype: skhenkin